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Reasons why UI matters in web development

There is an obvious and doubtless fact: each era dictates a specific way of delivering information. Nowadays, when people keep their attention on any page on average no more than for a couple of seconds, professional website design and common attraction of your content turned into one of the decisive conditions of your success. Of course, only a complex approach can guarantee a real breakthrough for your resource. Everything matters here — appealing website design, original content, fonts, backgrounds, comfortable visibility for all browsers, readability both in desktop and mobile versions of your website. Each minutia works for the common goal. 

In this article, we are supposed to give an idea of ​​the most current trends in website creation in 2021 in the most concise, concentrated form.

Three pillars of success

If we recall how our distant ancestors imagined the world order, then a huge turtle will appear in front of our mind’s eye, on whose back three elephants are firmly standing, and they are already holding flat earth on them. The universe of successful websites that will make any QA company proud can be presented similarly. Three elephants stand on the tectonic plate of UI/UX, formed by two inextricably linked parts: the user interface and the user experience. However, let’s replace them with three pillars, to the delight of animal rights activists. These are Visual Design, Interactive Design, and Information Architecture.

Starting any web project without building this foundation is the same as erecting a sandcastle on the surf line. Therefore, talking about the most promising trends in up-to-date web design, we need to know about UX and UI, at least in general terms.

  • So, UI is everything that the user sees on the site. Sliders, headers, buttons, transition effects, pop-up menus, fonts, and so on — all of this is the user interface.
  • UX Design, in turn, is based, as it was said, on user experience. That is, the visual presentation of the site should be based upon the convenience of the user. How intuitive the menu will be, whether each element on the web page will help the visitor get information — all this and much more, which we will now talk about, determines any site’s success and high traffic. These factors are the focus of attention of QA companies conducting usability testing of new web resources.

Since the UI/UX concepts are sorted out, let’s go back to Visual Design, Interactive Design, and Information Architecture.


These three building blocks of any successful website are as inextricably linked and important for any successful website as UI and UX. What are they exactly?

  • Visual Design is the first thing a user sees when they open your site. If the page looks light, easy to understand, pleasing to the eye, and modern, consider that the third part of the success has already been achieved.
  • Interactive Design — did the user stay on the site thanks to the successful Visual Design? Wonderful! Now his interaction with your resource begins. In fact, each visitor arranges a personal web usability testfor your site. Do all the elements on the page work right as intended? Do the graphic findings of your designer distinguish your site from many others, but, at the same time, don’t obstruct the perception? Congratulations! You have every reason to add one more point to your victories.
  • Information Architecture. What about the navigation logic of your site? Of course, you remember: it should be self-obvious, not only for you and your designer. All you made, you made for your users. Their satisfaction is the basis of your success. So, the inner logic of your website is supposed to carefully lead your customer to the content. Let him always know where he is now, how he has appeared there, and which path he needs to go forward or turn back.

If all three pieces of your puzzle come together, you can submit your site for analysis to apps testing service and open champagne.

Don’t forget about statistics!

Note that interactive design is a double-edged tool. It not only allows the visitor of your site to comfortably interact with the content, but also allows you to understand what the user needs on your resource in the first place, which design solutions work and which do not fulfill their functions. Thus, by carefully studying statistics, thanks to a properly built graphical interface, you will not only constantly attract users to your site, but also receive permanent feedback.

And a couple of remarks at the end

At last, recall your own browsing experience. What makes you so angry that sometimes you’re going to smash your computer? Look at your site with a distant gaze, check for such annoying factors, and remove them. And feel free to ask professionals from a QA company to check your site and fix everything that should be done for you and your success.

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