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The science and benefits of electric cars

Electric vehicles (EVs) have had a massive impact on the automotive industry in recent years, and it’s no wonder, due to their intricate technology and wide range of benefits.

If you’re thinking of buying an EV, or simply wanting to understand more on how your current EV works, then this article is perfect for you.

Also, if you want to insure your EV, you’ll need to know exactly how they operate and how this affects your insurance premiums.

Read on to learn the science behind EVs and what all the different benefits are of owning one.

For more information on EV insurance, check out Lemonade Car coverage for electric cars.


The science behind electric cars

EVs are any type of vehicle that use electric motors to propel the car, powered by an electric battery.

Standard gasoline cars are propelled using gasoline ignition which fuels the engine, and this is the sole force behind the car. However, electric vehicles, although sometimes combined with a gas engine, will also have electric motors and a battery to move the car.

The type of power used to propel the EV will depend specifically on the type of EV you’re driving.

There are three types of EV – hybrid vehicles, plug-in hybrid vehicles, electric vehicles.

Here’s how each one works:

Hybrid vehicles are operated using a combination – or hybrid, if you will – of a standard gasoline engine and an electric car battery.

The gasoline engine works as it would in a normal gas-powered car, and the car will need refuelling regularly. There’s a small electric battery inserted to give an extra boost, and this usually kicks in at low speeds – like when driving in cities, for example. The electric range is able to, on average, provide you with a few extra miles than that of a gas-powered vehicle.

Plug-in hybrid vehicles work in a similar way to hybrids, except the electric battery is much larger. This results in the electric range increasing to around 30 extra miles on average, as the car can also run purely on the battery if the gas runs out.

Plug-in hybrids are named for the fact they need to be plugged into an electrical outlet – which can range from either standard household outlets to direct-current ports at various charging stations.

Electric vehicles are cars that run purely on an electric battery that powers electric motors, with no gasoline engine involved.

These vehicles need to be plugged into an electrical outlet to charge, and the range they produce is dependant on the brand and model of vehicle you own – this averages at around 230 miles, with higher end models reaching over 400 miles.

The benefits of electric cars

There are many benefits to owning an EV, including:

  • More economical

A main benefit of EVs is that they’re much more economical than standard gasoline cars, as the inclusion of battery powered propulsion means less fuel is burned when driving. For pure EVs, fuel isn’t even needed.

Despite a higher upfront cost, EVs will have fewer running costs involved, especially with plug-in hybrids and pure EVs, as there’s less involvement of the gasoline engine.

  • Environmentally friendly

One of the biggest selling points of EVs is they have a more positive impact on the environment than cars with gasoline engines, which end up producing large amounts of harmful carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

With electric powered motors, EVs won’t be burning as much fuel – none whatsoever for pure EVs – and are therefore are more eco-friendly for the planet.

  • Electric vehicle insurance

Another benefit of EVs is that you can get tailored EV insurance that brings benefits to your premiums.

Although EV insurance tends to be more expensive than gasoline car insurance, there are many aspects that can help improve your premiums.

For instance, EVs are on average much safer to drive than gasoline cars, which means a lower chance of accidents. As a result, your insurer can take this into account when offering you a premium.

Also, EVs require fewer running costs, so this will help to balance out any higher cost for your insurance, in the long-run.

Now that you have a more in-depth understanding of how electric cars work and all the benefits they bring, be sure to start researching for your next EV now, as well as the right insurance provider for your new car.

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