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What To Do If You’ve Been Unfairly Dismissed

If you have been dismissed from your job and you don’t think it was fair, don’t worry. There are some things you can do.

The fact is that unfair dismissal is not uncommon. However, not everyone who has been unfairly dismissed chooses to do anything about it. This article can help you if you have lost your job for an unfair reason.

Contact The Company

One of the first things you may wish to do is to contact the company you worked for. There is always a chance that you will be told your dismissal was unfair.

Be sure to mention what led to your dismissal, how it was handled, and the company policy. The more informed you are in your letter or telephone call, the better.


Sometimes employers will not go back on their decision to dismiss someone. In cases such as this, it could be worth speaking to a lawyer.

Speak To A Lawyer

Employment law exists to protect people in the workplace. It also exists to protect people who may have been unfairly dismissed.

When you speak to a lawyer mention:

  • Why your employer dismissed your
  • Why you disagree with the dismissal
  • What you would like to do regarding your dismissal (Sue or get your job back)
  • What happened leading up to your dismissal

The more information you give your lawyer the better. They may be able to tell you whether you have a case and how far you can take your claim.

Understand Where You Stand

Not everyone knows very much about employment law. This is why it pays to learn about it. For example, you may be entitled to compensation if you were fired for no reason.

Knowing where you stand can help you to make the most out of your case. It can also help you to respond to communication from your previous employer more effectively.

If you choose to speak to a lawyer, they will tell you what your rights are. They may also communicate with your previous employer on your behalf.

Look For Work In The Meantime

Losing a job can be quite shocking. However, it’s important that you look for work. Be aware that:

  • You may need to inform prospective employers why you were dismissed
  • You may need to explain how you can prevent the dismissal from occurring again
  • You may need to tell prospective employers that you’re building a case against your former employer

If you need to keep the money coming in, you’ll need to look for work. Just be aware that you’ll have to focus on your new job while fighting against your unfair dismissal.

Use the above tips to help you if you’ve been unfairly dismissed. With a little help, you could receive compensation, or get your job back. An employment lawyer is probably the best person to speak to about an unfair dismissal. Be prepared to speak to one so you know whether you have a case.

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