
NATO boosts security in Kosovo after recent clashes

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A Turkish commando battalion has arrived in northern Kosovo in response to a request from NATO for more troops to help quell violent unrest between ethnic Serbs and Albanians.

The battalion arrived in northern Kosovo where there have been a number of recent clashes between police, KFOR troops and ethnic Serbs who boycotted a regional election in April and refuse the accept the result.

A military convoy loaded with equipment is also believed to be heading to the Balkans country by land.

NATO announced on Tuesday that it would be sending 700 troops to bolster the force in the area.


KFOR currently consists of almost 3,800 troops, including some 350 from Turkey. 

Violent clashes last week left 30 international soldiers wounded, including fractures and burns from improvised explosive incendiary devices.

The clashes grew out of a confrontation that unfolded earlier after ethnic Albanian officials elected in the April elections attempted to enter municipal buildings to take office and were blocked by Serbs.

On Sunday, Serbian women laid wreaths on barbed wire against the Kosovo authorities.

They are demanding that the Albanian mayors and police officers leave the official buildings and that two Serbs who were arrested during the police operation be released. 

Turkey has urged all sides in the dispute to show restraint.

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