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BLM protester outside home of soldier Jonathan Pentland says he’s ‘dying’ of COVID


A Black Lives Matter protester surrounded by others rallying outside the South Carolina home of suspended soldier Jonathan Pentland made a sickening confession — that he was “dying” of COVID-19.

The activist, named by local paper The State as Navy veteran Shea Harley, initially wore two masks as he screamed his outrage toward the Summit home of the drill sergeant who is charged with assaulting a black man after confronting him in a now-viral video.

“You don’t deserve to serve another second in the United States Army,” Harley yelled toward Pentland’s home in the clip shared Wednesday, accusing him of betraying his oath to defend the Constitution.

Harley, who was wearing a “Black Lives Matter” T-shirt, soon ripped off his two masks — a plain black one as well as a medical one under it — as other protesters screamed their support of his impassioned tirade.


He then beat his chest as he shouted about how he “came from my home” to be at the rally Wednesday.

“I am dying. I have COVID. And I’m sick,” he shouted — leading several others to hastily step away from him as the minute-long clip ended.

Jonathan Pentland, a U.S. Army staff sergeant charged with third-degree assault and battery after a video went viral depicting him accosting and shoving a Black man
Jonathan Pentland, a U.S. Army staff sergeant charged with third-degree assault and battery after a video went viral depicting him accosting and shoving a Black man
US Army

Harley was among dozens who turned up at Pentland’s house Wednesday, with the local sheriff’s office eventually moving the drill sergeant’s family to safety, saying the protests turned “violent” as the house was also vandalized.

Harley shared the paper’s clip of his speech, insisting he was “apologizing” for being there while sick and infectious.

“I wasn’t supposed to be out there because I was recovering from COVID-19, but I had to let Johnathan Eugene Pentland KNOW!!!” he wrote.

His half-hearted mea culpa did not get much support. “You trespassed on Pentland’s property and knowingly exposed ppl to a deadly virus (you said you were dying),” one commentator told him. “Not very smart.”

Jonathan Pentland see assaulting a Black man
Jonathan Pentland see assaulting a Black man

Pentland, who is white and based at nearby Fort Jackson, went viral after he was filmed shoving a smaller black man and telling him he was in the “wrong neighborhood, motherf—er.”

The clip did not show what led up to the confrontation, but a woman could be heard accusing the stranger of picking a fight with “some random young lady,” which he denied.

Sheriff Leon Lott later said that man had been involved in other incidents in the neighborhood in the days leading up to the video but “none of them justified the assault that occurred.”

The man was mentally ill and has since been committed to a facility for treatment, according to

Pentland, meanwhile, has been charged with third-degree assault and battery Wednesday and has also been suspended from his duties.

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